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    Spring (and Summer) Gardening: Getting Started

    Spring is the ideal time to start experimenting with a vegetable garden. The weather is favorable enough where plants won’t get burned out by excess heat and there’s no risk of any upcoming frost! When garden blogs/books mention preparing for a spring garden, they’re talking about cool season crops like brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli and etc. Since the cool air is still lingering from the winter months, those crops are usually sown in late winter/early spring, Tomatoes, peppers and other heat-loving vegetables that we would normally associate with spring time are considered summer crops. Those are usually planted in mid-Spring and will mature by summer time. Depending on where you…

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    Be Brave and Garden: Planting the Blogging Seed

      First post ever! I have been gardening now for about two and half years, but have not been very successful. All my plants started from seedlings (young plants that have already sprouted) and I’d put them into containers in my backyard. I’ve tried to plant seeds as well, but I couldn’t germinate seeds for the life of me. I had some success with the seedlings though, yet it mostly resulted in very few of my plants actually fruiting and most were dwarfed. I gave up often and didn’t really try to maintain it well, and after a couple of months most of what I planted ended up going to…