
  • Other Categories,  Projects

    Spring (and Summer) Gardening: Getting Started

    Spring is the ideal time to start experimenting with a vegetable garden. The weather is favorable enough where plants won’t get burned out by excess heat and there’s no risk of any upcoming frost! When garden blogs/books mention preparing for a spring garden, they’re talking about cool season crops like brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli and etc. Since the cool air is still lingering from the winter months, those crops are usually sown in late winter/early spring, Tomatoes, peppers and other heat-loving vegetables that we would normally associate with spring time are considered summer crops. Those are usually planted in mid-Spring and will mature by summer time. Depending on where you…

  • Other Categories,  Projects

    Planting Vegtables During the Fall Season

    If you just now wanted to get into gardening but you’re in the middle of October, there’s still some time to get planting! Autumn features many seasonal favorites, but of course what you can grow during this time will depend on where you live. I should clarify that the topic of this article is not about HAVING a fall garden. To have a fall garden typically means to sow seeds during the summer months, and once Fall comes around most of what you planted during summer will be ready for harvest. This post is geared towards those who want to plant vegetables DURING the Autumn months and be ready for…

  • Projects

    April – July Vegetable Garden Progress: The Beginner Gardener’s Journey

    As we step into the summer months I wanted to wrap up the spring season by showing progress since I started my plants in April to the beginning of July.  This is how my yard looked before I put in my spring plants too what it looks like now: I had been gardening for a couple years so we had this setup for awhile. But when this picture was taken these plants were probably leftover from winter and weren’t really being taken care of. You can see on the left side there is a sad old tomato plant just clinging for dear life, and there wasn’t really anything from the…

  • Projects,  Raised Beds

    Raised Bed Project

    If you don’t have the luxury of digging in your yard to start planting, a raised bed is a fantastic alternative to any gardener. They are versatile, easy to make, and are actually less maintenance than regular container pots. I have never made one myself, but recently my boyfriend Danny has gotten the nerve to actually build one himself! He currently lives in Los Feliz, a quaint area of LA near East Hollywood. The property he lives on doesn’t have its own yard, just a concrete driveway and a small courtyard out front with a fig tree. Despite this lack of green space he thought of a great substitute, which…