• Plant Guide

    How to Grow Squash Plants

    Squash has always served me well. They grow quickly and abundantly, which is great for me cause I love adding zucchini to almost anything! Summer squash plants (like zucchini or yellow crookneck squash) are best planted in the spring and can be harvested in the summer months. Winter squash (think butternut or spaghetti squash), are best planted in the summer months and harvested in fall. It’s easy to misconstrue winter squash as being planted in the cooler seasons. On the contrary, they prefer a lot of heat. For example, pumpkins should be planted in late June/July in order for them to be harvested for the August/September months. So if you…

  • Plant Guide

    How to Grow Onions

    What gardener wouldn’t want a staple cooking vegetable like onions growing? It may come as a surprise that it doesn’t take a lot of effort to grow these orbs. Onions typically prefer growing in cooler temperatures in the early stages of their development. It is best to plant onions in late March – April. Those onions should be ready for harvest by midsummer. Nurseries don’t typically sell onion seedlings during the summer because young onion seedlings don’t prosper too well in hot temperatures. But you can still try to plant onion packet seeds in the summer and with some luck it should still grow. Your other alternative is to plant…